Cadastral (Legal) Survey Services
Reference Plans (R-Plans) - these are plans of survey that are deposited at local registry offices. Reference plans designate 'parts' in order to graphically describe interests in land. Reference plans have many applications but a common application is for a severance of land.
Surveyor's Real Property Reports (SRPRs) - these are surveys that locate buildings and improvements relative to the boundaries of a property. SRPRs consist of a survey plan and a written report.
Subdivision Plans and Condominium Plans - these plans are used to create multiple individual lots or units from an existing parcel of land.
Staking or Remarking - Surveyors are often retained to replace missing survey markers or to mark a line for visual reference on the ground (wood stakes, flagging, or tree blazes). It is important to note that while a plan of survey is not always required, the act of remarking a line is still solely the job of a professional surveyor.
Construction Survey Services
Site Sketch - we work with construction clients to produce drawings or to simply collect field data for clients with their own drafting capabilities.
Construction layout - we work on projects of all sizes from small tool sheds to large industrial sites. We customize our layout surveys to fit clients' needs in order to make their projects run as smooth as possible.
As-Built and Field-Fit Surveys - checking the progress at any stage of construction is sometimes essential for the success of a project and so we work with clients to optimize scheduling to allow for follow-up visits to ongoing projects
Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Surveys - we work with agricultural and construction clients on surveying minimum distance separations
Topographic Surveys
Topographic Sketch - these are drawings showing the physical features, both natural and man-made, of a given property. They are often required during the approval process for a given development. We work with clients, including engineers, architects, and planners to customize our topographic plans for the requirements of each project.
Lot Grading Sketch - these drawings are a special type of site sketch which show existing and proposed structures as well as proposed drainage and grades for the site. These are typically required by municipalities for approval before any modification to the site can begin.
Other Specialized Services
Subsidence Surveys
Volume Surveys
Utility Corridor Surveys
Conservation Authority Surveys
Cemetery Surveys
For more information on professional land surveying please visit: